Technical Assistance Missions


Technical Assistance Missions


November 20 – 24: Government Finance Statistics

Following up with the mission held in February and June 2023, CDOT continued working with the State Budget Department (SBD), the Vietnam State Treasury (VST), Vietnam Social Security (VSS), and the Department of Debt Management and External Finance (DMEF) to assist in making further progress in Government Finance Statistics and Public Sector Debt Statistics (GFS-PSDS) compilation and dissemination.


October 2 – 13: Macroeconomic Frameworks


CDOT conducted a two-week training on Macroeconomic Frameworks in Vietnam. This mission aimed to support Vietnam authorities in establishing a foundation and a shared macroeconomic database. The first week of the mission delivered a shortened financial programming course to build an initial base of knowledge on financial programming and macroeconomic framework concepts. The second week focused on monitoring consistency of data inputs and discussion in various topics, including estimation 

of potential output, developing forecasts for potential output including assumptions, and conclusion on tentative estimates and forecasts of potential output to be incorporated in the Macroeconomic Frameworks Foundations Tool (MFT). 


June 5 – 9: Government Finance and Public Sector Debt Statistics Field-based Work

In consultation with the Ministry of Finance (MOF) of Vietnam, a 5-day technical assistance (TA) and training mission on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Public Sector Debt Statistics (PSDS) was delivered in Hanoi, Vietnam. The mission objective was to support MOF authorities to compile and disseminate debt statistics in accordance with the international standards. The mission was planned to support a Public Finance Management (PFM) review mission by the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD), which was ultimately cancelled. Instead, the mission arranged meetings with the Vietnam State Treasury (VST) and the Debt Management and External Finance Department (DMEF) to follow up on the February 2023 mission.


May 30 – June 1: Workshop on Liquidity Forecasting and Estimation of Demand for Reserves

In response to a request from the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), CDOT delivered a workshop on Liquidity Forecasting and Estimation of Demand for Reserves in Hanoi. The mission focused on the foundations of liquidity monitoring and forecasting to support calibration of main open market operations (OMOs) and Statistical Tool for Estimation of Demand for Reserves together with hands-on trainings.


April 18 – 19: Interactive Learning and Workshop on Interest Rate Corridor

In response to a request from the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), CDOT delivered a two-day workshop on Interest Rate Corridor (IRC) in Hanoi. The mission provided an overview on different types of IRCs and discussed how IRC together with Open Market Operations (OMOs) and other instruments help central banks to achieve the level of liquidity in the market, which is aligned with the desired stance of monetary policy. This was also followed by the presentation on foundations of Liquidity Monitoring and Forecasting to support calibration of main OMOs.


February 13 – March 24: Government Finance Statistics Field-based Work

In consultation with the Ministry of Finance (MOF) of Vietnam, a Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Public Sector Debt Statistics (PSDS) technical assistance (TA) mission was conducted in Hanoi during February 13 – 17, 2023 with subsequent remote TA until March 24, 2023. The mission supported MOF to further progress on previous GFS TA missions’ recommendations and address data gaps identified in the Vietnam GFS manual (V-GFSM), launched in December 2020.


